Hi! in the Orders table of the xtreme database I'm trying to show all records greater than 05/03/2004, I want to show just the order Id and the Order Date.
To do that I defined the formula {Orders.Order Date}>= #05/03/2004#
and I formatted the field by rightclicking it and selecting in the Date tab the format I want: DD/MM/YYYY in the fields it shows the example format 01/03/1999 also shows Day 01, Month 03, Year 1999. And when I run the report without any formula it shows all the date fields correctlly in this format and in the right order.
But when I run the report with the formula it shows all the records starting from 03/05/2004
it should show the order Id 1403 first, this Order has Order Date 05/03/2004, what's happening?
I think it's about the #, I think it does not get the date as a date in the formula...