I have a main report that has 2 sub reports.
The sub reports sit on the main reports group
The rest of the report (detail lines are suppressed).
I am using crystyal 11
a) I have the issue that I need to export this report
- if I export it to CSV - the sub reports data are omitted
b) If I export it to excel - the sub report moves to a second line and not on the same line
I tried to overcome this by using a shared variable in the sub report.
I supressed the sub report - but still loaded it into the main report.
On the main report I entered the shared variable formula
Now the problem is that not all items in the main report will have information in the sub report, so I ticked supress blank sub report.
Now lets say for the 1st record the sub report data returns "test" - this data is now sitting on the 2nd record and every record thereafter until the information in the sub report changes.
In summary I want it to return the correct sub report information to the correct record and blank where there is nothing in the sub report