My report looks like this:
Column1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
Type1 type A sum1 sum2 sum3
type B sum1 sum2 sum3
Type2 type A sum1 sum2 sum3
type B sum1 sum2 sum3
type c sum1 sum2 sum3
Type3 type A sum1 sum2 sum3
type B sum1 sum2 sum3
Type4 type A sum1 sum2 sum3
type B sum1 sum2 sum3
type C sum1 sum2 sum3
type D sum1 sum2 sum3
I want to highlight the summary fields based on Column 1 value.
If col1="Type1" then col2,3, 4&5 should be highlighted with red color
If col1="Type2" then col2,3,4 &5 should be highlighted with blue color and so on
I want a color differentiation between the segments Type1, 2,3 ,4& 5.
Thanks in advance