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Changing Data Source

Printed From: Crystal Reports Book
Category: Crystal Reports 9 through 2022
Forum Name: Data Connectivity
Forum Discription: How to connect to data sources and export reports
Printed Date: 13 Mar 2025 at 9:44pm

Topic: Changing Data Source
Posted By: Snuffie
Subject: Changing Data Source
Date Posted: 31 May 2010 at 6:58pm
hi, iv got an existing report that uses a view as the data source. iv been asked to switch the datasource to a stored procedure which is exactly the same as the view except for the fact that it is a stored proc.

i go to 'Set Datasource Location' -> select the view in the 'Current Data Source' window and select stored proc in the 'Replace with:' window.  I then click 'Update' expecting the view to be replaced by the stored proc.  well it doesn't get replaced and that's where i need help.  iv tried this a few times already to no avail.

the only alternative that i can think of is remove the view and add the stored proc manually.  i might as well re-write the report if i do it this way which is what im trying to avoid.

any suggestions?  thanks in advance.

Posted By: DBlank
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2010 at 4:07am
Are you sure it did not change?
The actual name will not alter but if you expand the Properties, the Table Name value should now be your stored proc name.

Posted By: Snuffie
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2010 at 11:15am
you're right!  Smile

my bad that i didnt check the properties.  can i ask why the name of the data source didn't change to the stored proc and is there any way to change the Table name value to reflect the stored proc name?

thanks heaps.

Posted By: DBlank
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2010 at 11:28am
I do not know why it does not update nor do I know how to change it to reflect the 'current source'. Wish I did...
if you happen to find either please post what you find Clap
It can get to be very confusing later as you go back to work on these reports. Too many times I have gone into a view or stored proc to fix / update something and it never updates in the report. Takes me hours to realize that is because the report is not using that original source any more.
You may want to add in a suppressed Report Header A (visible in design mode) that clearly states for you or any other future designer some text like 'updated sources which required looking at the data source properties'.
Might save you a lot of headaches down the road.

Posted By: Snuffie
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2010 at 11:32am
thanks heaps!  Smile

Posted By: shell_l_d
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2010 at 3:51pm
Crystal Report 9 - replace SP - unable to open rowset
Need to be able to copy an existing rpt file & replace it's data source with another Stored Procedure which returns the same type of data. To save having to keep re-creating the same thing & have everything line up so can be used as subreports in a main report.

Eg: Report has:
* GroupName (string)
* SLA (string)
* Apr (int)
* May (int)
... etc
* Feb (int)
* Mar (int)

Steps I took:
1) Copy a *.rpt file & paste it to a new name
2) Open the new *.rpt
3) Database > set datasource > find new sp (CCCMonthlyReport_Sub6) & select it, click in top window on the sp name (CCCMonthlyReport_Sub5), click update
4) Database > database export > click on the SP name (on the right) & edit it to the new sp name (eg: CCCMonthlyReport_Sub5 change to CCCMonthlyReport_Sub6) (OPTIONAL)
5) Database > verify database
6) Run
7) Error msg box 1: Unable to open a rowset
8) Error msg box 2: Not supported. Details: Cannot obtain error message from server.

Regardless of doing step 4) it still has errors.

* Database > Show SQL Query still shows the old SP name (sub5).
* Field explorer shows new SP name
* Report Explorer shows old SP name - even if I right click one > select export > new > sub6 field > delete sub5 field > OK. When look at select expert again, it hasn't made the change.

Any help please?

Also posted here just now (post #6, 1wk ago- awaiting approval)... the solution didnt work: -

Posted By: DBlank
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2010 at 4:02am
Sounds more like an rights issue to the source.
Try creating a report from scratch using the new source. Just a simple query to see if you can use it.

Posted By: shell_l_d
Date Posted: 17 Jun 2010 at 2:26pm
Yes I can create a new one from scratch no problem, but that's the point, I dont want to have to to create a new report identical (pretty much) to an existing report but using a different SP. :)

Posted By: DBlank
Date Posted: 19 Jun 2010 at 4:19am
I understood you wanted to replace but wanted you to test connectivity and access rights and validate the sp worked ok for crystal in general.
I do not know why you are getting the error but that error is not unique to swapping the data source so something else is going on.
Is there a missing column in the new SP that is being used in the report in a formula?

Posted By: Emir_W
Date Posted: 08 Jul 2010 at 1:55am
i've done for some reports (not all).
what i did is:
 1. make sure that all fields in the report are exist in new SP
 2. noted for the fields in existing CR with fields in new SP (for mapping)
 3. add the new SP into CR
     so, there will be some tables (existing tables) + new SP
 4. remove the tables
     CR will gives some messages that there are fields from the table are used in the reports. it is ok.
 5. then put/replace the existing fields with the new one from SP
     including in Formula / parameters / conditions / groups / etc.
 6. verify the report and make sure no error.
hope it help.

Emir W

Posted By: XavierVP
Date Posted: 08 Jul 2010 at 4:27am
I have many reports that I create and test in my development website before publishig to my users, is there a way to change the dataset the report points to in bulk, having to go one at a time is time consuming.
Also does anyone know why when you change a dataset the properties do indicate it is pointing to the correct one but just in plain view it looks like it is pointing towards the old one, how can this be refreshed.
This is also a time consuming task to have to check the poroperties to make sure the report is pointing to the correct dataset.

Posted By: kevlray
Date Posted: 08 Jul 2010 at 7:04am
I believe there is a third party software that will do this.  I do not remember the name of the product.

Posted By: skumarnvcghd
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2010 at 10:41pm
Go to Reports -> Report Expert -> Right Click selected sp and rename. Then verify the database.

Posted By: DataAngel99
Date Posted: 18 May 2011 at 4:59am
You can actually change the name of the datasource to whatever you want in the Database Expert.  If you right click on the datasource in the right-hand side of the Database Expert, there will be a "rename" option that pops up.  I was able to rename it so it reflected the source change.
I too was wondering why my table didn't change to my view.  I found your post which helped me figure out that in fact, it did change, so thanks!

Posted By: fhschmid
Date Posted: 09 Jun 2011 at 8:38am
Yes, you can change the name by going into the Database Expert in the drop down menu under Database. Right click on the name of the "Table" in the Selected Tables: section and choose the Rename option.

Posted By: vandinem
Date Posted: 26 Jun 2012 at 10:54am
Don't ask me why they require this, but if you change the stored procedure as you describe:

- Go to the Report Explorer

- Right-click on the (old) procedure name [this is usuall the top element of the tree for my reports]

- Select the 'Summary Info' menu choice

- Update the text for the 'Title' field to reflect the actual stored procedure name, and click 'OK'

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