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2 Graphs at the same time?

Printed From: Crystal Reports Book
Category: Crystal Reports 9 through 2022
Forum Name: Technical Questions
Forum Discription: Formulas, charting data, Crystal syntax, etc.
Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 9:31pm

Topic: 2 Graphs at the same time?
Posted By: baroda123
Subject: 2 Graphs at the same time?
Date Posted: 21 Jun 2011 at 12:48am
Hey guys, I started learning crystal reports very recently so I apologize if this question sounds noobish or if it has been asked before:

I am using Crystal Reports version 9.2+ and I have added a bar graph to a report that I am working on. The different bars (columns) are all linked to database fields. I wanted to know if there is a way to add a line graph on the same chart such that the line graph would connect the top most points of each of the bars.

So basically the line graph would also be using the same database fields as the bar graph.

Can this be done in crystal reports?

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