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Issue with specific reports after DB name change

Printed From: Crystal Reports Book
Category: Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 and Newer
Forum Name: Data Connectivity
Forum Discription: How to connect to data sources and export reports
Printed Date: 13 Mar 2025 at 9:37pm

Topic: Issue with specific reports after DB name change
Posted By: nix1016
Subject: Issue with specific reports after DB name change
Date Posted: 27 Nov 2016 at 1:45pm
I'm getting the following error on a few different reports:

Failed to retrieve data from the database. Database Vendor Code -210083.
Error in File <Temp_File_name.rpt>

I've tried removing everything from the report except the core table and the error still comes up when there is either a select query or any database fields are displayed on the report.

I'm pretty sure the select query is valid as I've tested by creating a brand new report with the same table and query, it works fine. I can also preview the report fine in Crystal Reports 2008 using F5 with the same query.

I'm running a Progress Openedge version 11 database. The only change we've had recently is upgrading it from version 10 and in the process changing the database name. However, I've ran through Set Datasource location and made sure that all the tables have been matched up to the same table names in the new database. I'm completely out of ideas as to why some of these reports are not working...

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

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