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Set ODBC Driver

Printed From: Crystal Reports Book
Category: Crystal Reports 9 through 2022
Forum Name: Data Connectivity
Forum Discription: How to connect to data sources and export reports
Printed Date: 14 Mar 2025 at 1:34am

Topic: Set ODBC Driver
Posted By: bjfils
Subject: Set ODBC Driver
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2021 at 11:16am
We were running Crystal Reports on a PC that was running Win 7 home Premium. That PC hard drive crashed, but I had Crystal installed on another system, a VM running Win Server 2016 Standard. Some reports from the server are returning no data, or missing data, when compared to the same report on that ran on the PC. They're the same reports as I was able to copy the report folder from the PC to the VM.

I'm thinking it has to be an ODBC driver issue. On the PC, there was only one ODBC driver installed, a 64 bit version of version 13 of the ODBC driver from our ERP provider. I'm not sure where to set which driver Crystal uses, but on the PC that crashed, there was only the 64 bit version 13. On the new VM, there are 32 bit versions of version 15 and 17 of the ODBC driver along with the 64 bit version of version 13.

How can I tell Crystal which one to use? Hint, I'm not an IT guy and my support people are not that familiar with Crystal.

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