CR.NET 2005/2008 book is finished!
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Topic: CR.NET 2005/2008 book is finished!
Posted By: BrianBischof
Subject: CR.NET 2005/2008 book is finished!
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2008 at 2:39pm
I'm very excited to announce that I finished the Crystal Reports .NET 2005/2008 book this week. I have TONS of great new features in it too. Check out what you get:
You also learn how to use today's most advanced technology in your reports:
- Display reports on any mobile device using Web Parts.
- Inject javascript into report object tags for a rich web experience.
- Create add-ins that appear on the Crystal Reports 2008 menu bar.
- Use ClickOnce deployment to distribute your reporting solutions over the web.
- Write User Function Libraries (UFLs) that integrate business logic into your reports.
It is currently being printed and will be shipped out of (or your favorite bookstore) starting November 1st. You can pre-order it here: - Crystal Reports Book
Want to learn CR.NET 2005/2008 right now? I'm uploading the chapters to my Members Only section of the website over the next week. This is a blog format of the book where you can read all my books online and post questions about anything you are confused about. You get one-on-one access to have me help you with any area you are having trouble with. You can sign up for online access here: -
I think that the CR.NET 2005/2008 book is the best resource for programmers available, and you can only get it here. Check it out!
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Posted By: hilfy
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2008 at 1:42pm
Congratulations, Brian! I know you've worked hard on this. I can't wait to see it!
------------- Proviti, Data & Analytics Practice -
Posted By: chitemerere
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2008 at 8:05pm
Dear Brian
many thanks for the update.
What is the exact title of the book and can you kindly provide the table of contents for the book.
Many thanks and kind regards.
------------- Chris
Posted By: BrianBischof
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2008 at 11:32pm
Thanks Dell! You can be certain that I'll be sending you a copy hot off the presses when they arrive on my doorstop. 
Chris, the title of the book is "Crystal Reports Encyclopedia Volume 2: .NET 2005/2008". The table of contents is as follows:
1 Introducing Crystal Reports 2 Creating Reports 3 Integrating Reports 4 Sorting and Grouping 5 Using Parameters and Formulas 6 Customizing Reports 7 Using the Formula Editor 8 Programming with Basic Syntax 9 Using Built-In Functions 10 Charting Data 11 Cross-Tab Reports 12 Incorporating Subreports 13 Data Connectivity 14 Dynamic Report Customization Fundamentals 15 Runtime Customization 16 Modifying Parameters and Formulas 17 Dynamic Data Sources 18 Report Web Services 19 Exporting and Deploying Reports 20 Programming with RAS and CR 2008
The Amazon link is here: - Crystal Reports book and you can read it online at - Crystal Reports ebook
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Posted By: chitemerere
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2008 at 11:47pm
Dear Brian
Many thanks for the prompt response.
I will be making a pre-order at Amazon as the book has not yet been release.
------------- Chris
Posted By: dhanaraj
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2008 at 3:27pm
Dear Brian, I am having the following requirements for my requirements in my windows application.
The First thing is, I have two forms One Form contains Crystal report viewer and the another form contains the customization fields of the crystal reports. this form contains report title text box,report sub title text box. whenever the user wants to change the report title, he just entered the title of the corresponding text box and then he press the ok button the changes should be occurred in the report viewer form. This is my requirement. Please clarify my doubt in cross tab expert. shall we add more than one report data at run time. Kindly solve my issue.
Posted By: dhanaraj
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2008 at 3:29pm
Dear Brian,
Kindly give the index about the Crystal Reports .Net Programming
Posted By: BrianBischof
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2008 at 10:25pm
The index is 20 pages long. I can't post that here. Sorry.
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Posted By: dhanaraj
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2008 at 6:20am
Dear Brian, Crystal Reports .Net Programming Books is available in india or not?
Posted By: Roopangee
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2008 at 4:25am
Thanks for your contribution Brian...
------------- Roopangee Tandon
Posted By: rcjohn
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2008 at 8:54am
Hi Brian -
Not to be impatient, but I was wondering how the release of the .NET book is coming along. Amazon is no longer taking new pre-orders, and wrote to ask if I wanted to cancel my pre-order.
Wishing your book the best of luck.
Posted By: BrianBischof
Date Posted: 17 Nov 2008 at 9:34am
Hi - The book is finished. I got my copy two weeks ago and Amazon received a shipment last week. I assume that it's still listed as 'out of print' b/c their warehouse needs to get it properly stocked and in their computer system. Since they've had it for a week now, I'm hoping that in the next day or two Amazon will show it as being in stock.
Thanks for your patience!
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Posted By: rcjohn
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2008 at 8:34am
Hi Brian -
I received the book, and finally am finding the time to really get into it. I am very pleased so far.
But where do I get the sample code? It's clear where the download for the older 2003 book is, but I can't find one for the new book. If the samples are the same, then entering the "first word on page 250" needs to accept the answer for the new book.
Posted By: BrianBischof
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2008 at 12:01pm
Oh man, I totally forgot about the sample code! Let me work on that this weekend and get it posted.
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Posted By: BrianBischof
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2008 at 10:18pm
I have the source code uploaded now. If you own the book, you can get to it at this link: -
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Posted By: mpoobesh
Date Posted: 10 Nov 2009 at 11:55pm
Hi Brian,
Is there any way we can have the ASP.NET application picks up a saved RPT file (with saved parameters values and data) and just refresh only (no need to view)?
Should we need to handle Reportdoc.refresh() function in C#?
Please help.
Posted By: SriramRamani
Date Posted: 17 Nov 2009 at 3:07am
HI Sir ,
Could you help me regarding my problem , please , its very very urgent . Please . Below is my Scenario.
Now i have a case that i have my necessary fields and data in my report viewer , but more than half of the page is left empty
can any one help me regarding reducing the size of the reoprt (height and width)
my content is only half of the page in the report viewer . if the page is printed as such the remaining will get wasted . So i want a solution that makes the page area less or fit to the data in the report viewer . like a billing in any normal shop . For example in medical shops their bill size is small na , i need in such a kinda page format . Please let me know ASAP. Very very urgent Please anybody help me
------------- Sriram
Posted By: CrystalVoyager
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 6:59am
Thank you for your insight and publications. I have had great success implementing what I learned from Crystal Reports .Net Programming. I used that knowledge for solutions in both VB and C# applications. I have new web projects slated using 3-tier with mysql. Therefore, I am excited about the new book and will check it out soon. Additionally, in my organization, we are beginning to explore global data resources and have end users interested in data mining. What type of reference would you recommend for end users who have excel knowledge and want to explore creating their own crystal reports?
Thank you
------------- Helping to make the world a better place, one response at a time.
Posted By: crystalp
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2010 at 11:20am
I hope this is the book I've been looking for. My organization uses Visual Studio 2008 with VB and the embedded version of Crystal Reports along with Access 2003 databases. Do the examples in this book use a database that is available in .mdb format or do they require using SQL Express?
Posted By: BrianBischof
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2010 at 10:29pm
Yes, this book should be just what you need. It covers connecting to .mdb and SQL Server. It also covers connecting to datasets, custom classes, etc.
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Posted By: crystalp
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2010 at 2:41am
Thanks for your quick reply! I am already very comfortable with connecting to both Access and SQL Server databases. My question is whether the examples in the book use a database that is available in .mdb format, i.e. Xtreme rather than Adventureworks. If so, does the .mdb version of the database include all the same tables, fields, and relationships as the SQL version used in the book?
I learn best by hands-on practice, and I am excited about buying this book if I can use the examples in the book as a hands-on tutorial without running into problems with my .mdb database being out of sync with the book. My projects will use Access databases for single-user desktop applications, and I really don't want to install SQL Express and work with examples in a SQL database in order to have success working with the examples in the book. Thanks!
Posted By: BrianBischof
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2010 at 8:55pm
Yes, I do have tutorials in the book you can walk through. I mostly use the Customer table for all of them b/c it's easy to understand and everyone has access to a simple customer table. The tables are all Access, except for some later chapters, b/c I also don't want to deal with SQL Server either unless necessary. When writing a large book, the simpler the better. :-)
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Posted By: silv
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2011 at 5:55pm
I've just bought the book Crystal Reports Encyclopedia .NET 2005/2008. It mentions on page 13 going to this site ( - ) to download sample code. I'm sorry but I can't find the where the link is. Can anybody please help? Much appreciated.
Posted By: BrianBischof
Date Posted: 06 Jul 2011 at 6:54am
Hi - here is the link for downloading the sample code. You need to have your book in front of you when you download it.
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Posted By: silv
Date Posted: 06 Jul 2011 at 4:59pm
Thanks for the link, Brian. Champion.