I am using Crystal Reports 2008. I need to convert a string field to a date field so that I can compare this field to another date field for an audit. The field name that needs to be converted is called "SKILL_SOURCE".
First, Itrimmed this data field for spaces that were in all the blank records. Then, I converted the Trimmed data field by using CDate.
Then, I did an "isdate" formula to make sure those two records actually read as dates, and they do. They appear as "TRUE"
My final task: Compare the dates in the "SKILL_SOURCE" field to another date field in the report. I continue to receive the message "Bad Date Format String" and the rpeort points me to my trimmed formula. There are no errors on the trimmed formula when I check it in the Formula builder. There are literally 2 dates, everything else is blank and just needed trimming.
Before I refresh the report, I can create all kinds of formulas that work like I intend them to; I can check to see if one date is greater than the other. I can check how many days are in between theh two date fields, etc...but as soon as I refresh, I get this message. Please help!!