Hi there
I am trying to "string" a Multiple Parameter selections descriptions for my report header.
I can do a Join() for the actual parameter codes, but not for the descriptions.
I can change the parameter value to be the description, but then I lose the code.
Is there any way of leaving the parameter as is with the code being the value and the description being the description and then doing a join() on the description. I even tried a replace() unsuccessfully.
I may try concatenate the Codes and descriptions in a formula and use that as my parameter value and not have a description... but I'm not sure I can use a formula for a parameter??
What I have done is, in SQL, I have concatenated the value and description with a - between them and have set up the parameter from that column and not the value and descrition seperately. Now I can list them unsing the Join() formula.
My next problem is that my Sales reports have 3000 customers and listing them in cumbersome... now I have to get thinking about this one.
Also is there a way to have a new line instead of a comma between the listed items?
Edited by Debbie Giles - 23 Jun 2009 at 7:11am