This book was originally being written for Apress. When the economy took a nose
dive they cancelled my contract. I got frustrated and put the entire book
online for everyone to read. The first two chapters were free and the remaining
chapters required a free registration. After getting 18,000 registrations
during the first year, I decided to finish the book. Yes, I'm self-publishing
the book instead of using a large publisher. After working many, many months
and spending a lot of money, I finished the book and got it printed. The book
is being sold on Amazon.com and at NerdBooks.com. The retail price is $34.95. I
hope that it benefits you and your colleagues.
I receive emails from people asking me about the self-publishing process and
how it works. When I was learning about it I had the help of Citrix author
Brian Madden giving me lots of advice. I felt that it's only right that I do
the same for other potential self-publishers. I put together a page How-To page
on self-publishing for anyone interested. To read it click