You can use something like the following formula to convert the date to the format you want. I wrote this to do the opposite of what you want, that is it takes a date like '20050508' and converts it to a string '05'08/2005'
Still it should be easy enough for you to convert to what you need.
Stringvar varDateMonth;
Stringvar varDateDay;
Stringvar varDateyear;
Stringvar varNewDate;
If {CTR_Detail.trans date} <> "" then
varDateMonth := Mid({CTR_Detail.trans date},5,2);
varDateDay :=Mid({CTR_Detail.trans date},7,2);
vardateYear := Mid({CTR_Detail.trans date},1,4);
varNewDate := varDateMonth + "/" + varDateDay +"/" + varDateYear;
Hope it helps
John W.