If there can be more than one non-delivery, non-admin item on an an invoice, this is going to be more complicated. Here's what I would do if there is only ever one item on an invoice:
1. In the Database Expert, add two more copies of the invoice details table (I'll just call it Details.) When you add a table that is already in your report, Crystal will tell you that the table is already on the report and ask if you want to rename it. Click on Yes. You' now have three copies of the Details table - Details, Details_1, and Deatails_2.
2. Still in the Database Expert, link Details_1 and Details_2 to the Invoice Master table. Link FROM the master TO the details and make the links Left Outer Joins.
3. In the Select Expert, set the following conditions:
{Details.Description} not in the list ('Admin Fee', 'Delivery')
{Details_1.Description} is equal to 'Admin Fee'
{Details_2.Description} is equal to 'Delivery'
On your report you can now set up your report like your example. Use the data from the Details_1 table for the Admin Fee columns and from the Details_2 table for the Delivery columns.