I have created a command and trying to pass a parameter thru it.
Crystal 2008
Data base: MySQL
Sql Code:
SELECT `patient_transactions1`.`clinic_id`, `patient_transactions1`.`date_posted`, `patient_transactions1`.`charge_ucf`, `patient_transactions1`.`amount_pat`, `patient_transactions1`.`amount_pri`, `patient_transactions1`.`amount_sec`, `patient_transactions1`.`amount_tot`
FROM `DataMiner`.`patient_transactions` `patient_transactions1`
WHERE `patient_transactions1`.`date_posted`={?StartDate}
I add The field to the paramter list and click OK to exit the screen I receive the following message.
Failed to retreive data from Data base
Details: 07001:{MYSQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.1.23-rc-community]SQLBindParameter not used for all parameters[Databsae vendor code: 506]
When I return to the screen the parameter in the list is gone.