You'll have to use a command in order to get this information. You don't mention what type of DB you're connecting to, but commands are available for most client/server databases like MS SQL Server or Oracle. A command is a SQL "Select" statement that you enter in Crystal.
You can approach this two different ways:
1. Write a SQL statement that will give you all of the data you need for your report. It will look something like this:
Select ct.Code_Field, ct.Cost, ct.Sell_Price
From Code_Table as ct
where ct.Date_Updated =
(Select max(ct1.Date_Updated)
from Code_Table as ct1
where ct1.Code_Field = ct.Code_Field)
If you have multiple tables in your report, this can get complicated and you need to know SQL well enough to write a good query.
2. Write a query that just gives you the code field and the max of the update date, something like this:
Select Code_Field, max(Date_Updated)
From Code_Table
Group By Code_Field
Order By Code_Field
Link from the code and date updated fields in Code table you already have in the report to the code and date updated fields in the command. This will guarantee that the records that are on your report are only the most recent ones.