Is there a group a level above the timestamp? If so and if the list of statuses isn't huge, you might be able to do something like this:
1. Create a running total for each status. This will be a count of the timestamp. Under Evaluate, select Use a formula, click on the formula button and enter something like this:
{table.status_field} = 'Off Duty'
The value in the formula will be based on which status the count is for. Under Reset, select On Change Of Group and select the group at the level right above the timestamp/status data.
2. For the section where you're displaying the data, set a suppression formula that looks something like this:
({table.Status_field} = 'Off Duty' and {#Off Duty Count} > 1) or
({table.Status_field} = 'Available' and {#Available Count} > 1) or
...<continue for each status>
Note where I put the parentheses - this is VERY important because the formula won't evaluate correctly otherwise.