Thanks for the response, and sorry about not being clear. Below is some sample data. I have insertes our item #, UPC # (A unique 12 digit number), and then returned only places 7,8,9,10,11 in the seq clumn. There are about 2561 total UPCs, and the 7-11 numbers are the unique value. the 664232 is a prefix, and the last digit is a check digit. So is there a way to find the gaps between each UPC number? Thanks and I apoligize for not explaining it so well. I am pretty new to this stuff. THanks
Item No UPC Cd @UPC Seq
F10200 664232041074 4107
95646-A/I 664232041943 4194
95646-C/B 664232041981 4198
D1246-O/W 664232042728 4278
D1250F-O/W 664232043428 4342