I'm having an issue getting some very simple Crystal XI reports up and running on BOXI. The reports run just fine standalone with the Crystal client but doesn't run when setup as a scheduled reports in BOXI.
Quite simply, I have a field in an Oracle db that identifies a transactional date in the YYYYMM format (e.g. 200811) and the datatype is numeric.
All I'm trying to do this set the runtime date parameter when the report is run as scheduled - currentdate - and use this to compare and report on the previous months transactional records.
tonumber(totext(currentdate))-1 should equal
PrevMonthTransDate = 200811
Of course, end of year would pose a problem when the year changes
However, when I set the report up to run in BOXI it fails with message currentdate 'The String is non-numeric'. I've found vague indications that this is down to the BOXI server needing a patch of some sort.
Anybody come across this before?