Tnx for the reply lockwelle.
Tested this and added some info and right now i have this:
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT x.h_document, x.h_user, x.RecCount
FROM (SELECT h_document, h_user, COUNT(*) AS RecCount
FROM dbo.hissto
GROUP BY h_document, h_user) x INNER JOIN
(SELECT h_document, MIN(RecCount) AS RecCount
FROM (SELECT h_document, h_user, COUNT(*) AS RecCount
FROM dbo.hissto
GROUP BY h_document, h_user) y
GROUP BY h_document) z ON x.RecCount = z.RecCount AND x.h_document = z.h_document
WHERE (SUBSTRING(x.h_document, 1, 1) IN ('F', 'K'))
ORDER BY x.h_document
and works great
tnx for the feedback and the help