This is what I received:
Person 1: Try ToText({MYFIELDNAME }, "dd-MMM-yyyy")
Person 2: I've used %SI_STARTTIME% in Enterprise within the email subject or filename when scheduling a report to distribute via email but I've never used it within LBI; is this what you're attempting to do? If you have a full copy of CR Server or Enterprise, you can go to the query builder and "SELECT *" where your "SI_ID = X" - for X go to a historical instance and click the sucess; it will show you the SI_ID within the path right after all of the file folders are finished displaying and right before the ~xxxxxxx.rpt. This will show you every field that is exposed and available through the SDK. Even then, I"m not sure they built the hooks to allow the use of every field available from the SDK within the SMTP interface. Sorry it's not a direct answer but it should put you on the path to find the answer. I'll be attaching to an Enterprise environment later today so if you can confirm your exact goal, I'll be happy to do the query to get the available fields from the CMS.
My response: Yes, I'm trying to use it in Enterprise within the filename when scheduling a report to distribute via email. Thanks for the tips. I will try both suggestions. Cindy
Person 2: Okay, that makes sense - I didn't think that was available in LBI. That should do it for you then, you might also look at the SI_ID of a scheduled instance going to email - you'll find different properties within different object types report vs. instance for example. Also, a report scheduled to Excel will have different properties than one going to just history so looking at different instance types will be important to finding what you're after.
Hope this helps :)