Hi Brian or some expert !!!
This is challenging question but would be a big benefit solution to the CR/CE world!!!
Here is the question that we've been trying to find a solution:
Let's go through this scenario:
1) A user log onto the CE server and typed in his Id/pw.
2) He/She is now on the server. He/She has not click to run any report yet. His/Her logging-Id must have been stored some where in the server (e.g. session header, cookies, system variable etc)
3) The user now runs a reports. His/Her logging- Id is now passed onto the "Current CE UserName"
What we really need is to have the logging-Id avaible inside the DB2 stored procedure---such as those DB2 variables: CURRENT_DATE, USER, SESSION_ID etc.)-- so that we can use it to filter the data. Can we stamp some system variable that currently not in use or create some new variable and store that info ? Or may be it's alreay avaible in some variable within DB2.