Note I have had problesm using IIF instead of If-Then in Crystal. Never figured out why so it may not work even with the below. Adding in John's point of the False 0...
Here is IIF:
Iif ( {CnAdrPrf.CnAdrPrf_Type} in ["Good - Busines","Good - Foundation","Good - Home","Good - Seasonal","Home"]
and {CnBio.CnBio_Deceased}="No",1,0)
Here is the If- Then
If {CnAdrPrf.CnAdrPrf_Type} in ["Good - Busines","Good - Foundation","Good - Home","Good - Seasonal","Home"]
and {CnBio.CnBio_Deceased}="No" Then 1 else 0
Edited by DBlank - 12 Nov 2009 at 9:32am