I have created a report to compare estimated setup (on a machine, we are a manufacturing company) hours to actual hours. I have grouped a machine by Job Numbers. Each Job Number has setup labor associated to the Job Number.
In CR for each Job Number, I have created a subreport that shows all the labor time. I created in the subreport a formula that totals the setup labor time and is shared back to the main form. On the main form I created a formula "SetupPer" that takes the (EstHrs/sharedsubreport field)*100. This all works like I expect it to.
Then I create a chart in the group footer using Chart Expert to show each Job Number in the X axis and the SetupPer in the Y axis. It shows only the last Job Number on the chart. If I edit the Chart Expert and select EstHrs as the Y axis, then it shows all the Numbers in X and the EstHrs in Y like I expect it to.
Can't you use the information in a formula field if it is derived from a "Shared Formula" from a subreport?