I have not tried using it as you suggest. This is from the CR Help file. Since your form2.vb would be a file it may just work.
Use the Hyperlink command to create a hyperlink from the selected object to a web site, a file, an email address, or a report object in another report. The hyperlink is saved with your report and is available to other users as a way of viewing additional information. Hyperlinks are also used to define Report Parts to be viewed in web browsers.
If you create a hyperlink to another report object, you are creating an on-demand subreport. Just as one subreport cannot contain another subreport, you cannot create a hyperlink between two subreports. See
How subreport linking works.
To select a hyperlinked object, use Shift-click or Ctrl-click. Clicking on a hyperlink, without using the Shift or Ctrl key, activates the link.
This command is also available as a button on the
Expert Tools toolbar .
Let us know if you have success.
John W.