Using Microsft Visual Studio 2003 with its own version of Crystal Report.. and no other aditional tool o program version installed, Windows XP EN, SP2.
When I try to export to PDF, I get an error like this:
"Error in File C:\DOCUME~1\MYPC\ASPNET\LOCALS~1\Temp\temp_1f2996d9-08d1-4cd3-894c-ca7853ad2cba.rpt: Operation not yet implemented"
Im coding it just like in the book of Bischof:
MyExportOptions = new ExportOptions();
MyExportOptions.ExportFormatType =
MyExportRequestContext = new ExportRequestContext();
MyExportRequestContext.ExportInfo = MyExportOptions;
System.IO.Stream MyStream = null;
MyStream =
I checked for permissions of the ASPNET account but everything is OK, I even made this account member of the Administrators for a while.
Is not a problem of the report I guess, since I even used a blank report.
And three files are written to the intended location every time, so I think is not a matter of permissions.
Ok, thanks a lot in advance for your answer and help.