Since you are new to CR, this will be a bit of a challenge and it will be hard to answer on a forum without being able to actually do it all (sorry).
First you need to just get the necessary records. This requires setting up a record selection filter that picks the dates for the current month of this year and last year. It will look something like this:
Month({table.field})=Month(Now) and (Year({table.field}=Year(Now) Or Year({table.field}=Year(Now)-1)
You might have to play with this to make it perfect. But ideally it will only return the records for August 2006 and 2007. Put some dummy data on the report to test if the proper fields are shown.
Then to display this data, add a cross-tab object and put the date filed in the column section and the Eye Dr field in the row section.
Try that and see how close you get. If you can get your filter to work then you should be doing good.