You can create a string representation of an array using several formulas.
You will need:
-one formula in the report header to initialize an empty string.
-one formula in the group header that will append the group name to it (assuming you group on "client1" etc)
-one formula in the detail section that will append the code to the string
-one formula in the group footer section to insert new-line characters (use the chr() function for this)
-one formula in the report footer that will print the string.
All formulas should use the "whileprintingrecords" keyword. They will all use the same global variable.
An example initialization formula would be
global stringvar output := "";
and a group header formula would be
global stringvar output := output & " " & {group_name}
In the end you should get something like
Client1 200
Client2 300,400,
Client3 250,450,
Dealing with the comma at the end may be difficult.
Edited by Keikoku - 11 Apr 2011 at 6:39am