Hey All,
I'm having something very strange happen to my axis-labels on my chart--.
I created 2 groups in my report, with GH2 being a dynamic group based on a user parameter.
Thus, the grouping could go State (GH1) --> [City, County](GH2).
I then proceed to create my 3D-Riser Chart:
1) Go to Chart Expert
2) Select 3D Riser Chart
3) In the "Data Tab", I select Group, where it finds my State group and @dynamic_group.
4) I select to SUM a particular field in my data, and press OK
Up to this point, everything goes by SMOOOTHLY, DATA GRAPHED IS ACCURATE AND LOOKS GREAT!!!
However, the axis-label that depends on the dynamic group isn't changing based on the grouping.
I've tried adding an @-sign in front of the text in the title fields; however, nothing happens
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!!
This is the formula that evaluates groupings (GH1 and GH2).
IF(ToText({?group_by}) = 'Product Line')
OS: MS Win7 64-bit
Crystal Reports v. XI R2
Oracle 10gR2 DB
Edited by c16271 - 16 May 2011 at 6:12am