I know there's been some discussion in the forums about avoiding subreports, but I think this is a situation where you're going to have to use them. I don't see any other way to get the same GF3 and GF4 data on all of your pages.
Also, if you need the GF1 and GF2 data to print at the top of the page, you'll need to put it in the group HEADERS instead of the FOOTERS.
I suggest the following:
Group 1 - Put data in Header.
Group 2 - Put data in Header.
Group 3 - put data in Footer. This will appear after all of the group 4 data. Turn on "New Page After".
Group 4 - put data in header or footer as appropriate.
Create a formula: next({table.Group 2 Field})
This will get you all of the first page of your report. For the next two pages:
Create 2 GF2 sections - a and b.
GF2a - Turn on "New Page After". Add a subreport, linked to the Group 1 and Group 2 values, with the same tables and selection criteria as your first report. In the Report Header put the values for Group 1 and Group 2 that you used to link to the main report. Add groups for you main report Group 3 and Group 4 and set up your data how you want it to appear on your second page.
GF2b - Add a subreport as in GF2a, but link on your Group 1 value and the formula that gives you the next value for Group 2. Turn on "New Page After" and in its formula button put "Not OnLastRecord" so that you don't get a blank page at the end of your report.
Edited by hilfy - 06 Sep 2007 at 4:53pm