I've been given a visual basic project to debug.
The program basically conects to a sql server and then connects to crystal reports and generates a pdf file with client data
The issue is that the program works fine on the main server, but i cant get it to work on the test server.
while im debugging the project, the connection to sql server works fine but then i encounter an error when executing this line:
Set objCrysApp = New CRAXDRT.Application
objCrysApp.LogOnServerEx "ado.dll", "server name", "data base name", "user", "password", "OLE DB", "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;"
the error message:
Configuration Error.
File could not be opened because the library "ado.dll" cannot be found.
I dont really know how the logonserverex method works, i've investigated on the internet but i cant really find anything useful to help me
Im executing the project from a client machine
and i would like to know where should this "ado.dll" be located?
client machine or server machine and what path?
the connection is working with ole db,
i've seen in other forums that i can use an odbc connection like:
objCrysApp.LogOnServer "pdsodbc.dll", "server", "database", "user", "password"
but i've tried this and configured an odbc dns and the same error comes up
Configuration Error.
File could not be opened because the library "pdsodbc.dll" cannot be found.
im using Crystal reports 9
visual basic 6
sql server 2000
windows xp sp2
thank u