How to sum up the total of all the HOURS except 'ZZ' which should be summed up seperately.
hope u got me.
Example: (output should be as below).
nadeem 5
shyub 5
ayub 5
ZZirshad 5
Reported Production Hours: 15 (nadeem + shyub + ayub)
Reported NonProduction Hours: 5 (ZZirshad)
This report which i have asked now already exists..now i have to modify the report with the changes which i have explained to you above. In the existing report, the record selection formula that exists is,
{HR01.HR01015} like {?Department} and
{EPS_Timesheet_Validation.FNTransactDate} = {?DateRange} and
Switch ({?Non_Productive_Time}='Exclude Non Productive Time',Not ({EPS_Timesheet_Validation.FNProjectNo} like 'ZZ*'),
{?Non_Productive_Time}='Include Non Productive Time',{EPS_Timesheet_Validation.FNProjectNo} like '*',
{?Non_Productive_Time}='Only Non Productive Time',{EPS_Timesheet_Validation.FNProjectNo} like 'ZZ*')
Please help me.