Alright, I think I understand what you're trying to do. You want a count of all customers who have 4 or more "Call" actions.
I think you can do this with a couple of formulas (I haven't tested this...)
Global NumberVar CustomerCallCount;
if (PreviousIsNull({table.customer id})) or ({table.customer id} <> previous({table.customerID} then
CustomerCallCount := 0; //reset to 0 for each customer
If {table.action field} = 'Call' then
CustomerCallCount := CustomerCallCount + 1;
On your report, in the footer where you want to display this information, insert a summary to SUM
{@Has4Calls} - Go to the Insert menu, select Summary, select your field and then "Sum". If this is a total for the report, click on OK. If it is a total for a group, select the group and then click on OK.
In order for this to work, your group or sort MUST have the customer id at a top level so that all records for a given customer are read consecutively before going on to the next customer.