If the "/" character is used in the date ONLY (never used for anything else in the field) and the date is always followed by ")", you could create a formula something like this:
NumberVar i := 0;
Numbervar start := 0;
StringVar data;
i := InStr({table.field}, '/');
start := InStrRev({table.field}, '/', i);
data := right({table.field}, length({table.field}) - start);
i := InStr(data, ")";
left(data, i-1)
Note that there is no semi-colon at the end of the last line - this is important!
This returns the date as a string. If you need it as a date, you'll need to parse the string into day, month, and year and use the DATE() function to conver it.
Edited by hilfy - 23 Jan 2012 at 7:19am