The whole reason I need to do this manually is so that I can use the total as one of my sort options based on a user parameter.
When I say I am getting the correct totals I mean the totals for each group are being added together ok. But I need to start back at zero for each group. For example this is what I get now:
Cust 1
tkt A - $20
tktB - $30
Total - $50
Cust 2
tkt A - $10
tkt B - $5
Total - $65
Cust 2 Total should be $15
If I use WhilePrinting it works great but I don't get the field in my sort option. If I use EvaluateAfter I do.
The user wants to select from 8 different sort options. This needs to be one of them. If there is a better way to do this I'm open to suggestions.
Edited by avaj - 01 Nov 2007 at 8:25am