Hi there
Depending on what version of Crystal you are using....
If you have added inputs into the top of a stored procedure eg.
CREATE PROC dbo.sp_Summary
-- Setup Input Variables
@MYStartYear datetime, -- This is to compare the YTD with inputted month
@MYStartMonthDate datetime, -- This is the start of month to analyse
@MYEndMonthDate datetime -- This is the end of the month to analyse
When you link to this SP in Crystal, it will automatically create the parameters and of course you will not be able to delete them. If you need to remove them, you can simply remove them from SP and re-verify Database in Crystal. Or if you need to modify them, do so in the SP and again Re-Verify Database within Crystal which in turn, will update or delete the parameters in your report.
Hope that helps
Kind Regards
Ian McArdle
| Database Administrator | Information Technology | Mackay City Council
07 4968 4602 | 6 07 4944 2400 | * i.mcardle@mackay.qld.gov.au | ý www.mackay.qld.gov.au