it is showing exactly what it is expected to show.
All the fomrula is doing is leaving credits as a positive value and making debits a negative value. So when you go to sum this formula field it will give you the total of all credits - the total of all debits.
if you need to see it change row by row use a Running Total.
right click on Running Total
select new
name='Total" (or whatever)
field to summarize= the formula field above (if {SRS_FDU.FDU_CORD}='C' then {SRS_FDU.FDU_AMNT} else {SRS_FDU.FDU_AMNT} *(-1) )
summary type=sum
evaluate= for each record
reset=never if you want it to keep showing changes for every row or on change of a group if you want to start fresh on a new grouping
place it in the detail row to see row by row changes
place it in a footer to see the total only
Edited by DBlank - 06 Nov 2012 at 5:15am