I have a report that pulls data based on the posting date of the transaction.
I want to set the report up so that I do not have to modify the posting date each month when I run the report. Currenly I am running the report for the previous fiscial year (2012) which for our company runs 5/1/11 to 4/30/2012. In May 2013 I will start running the report for fy 2013..5/1/12 to 4/30/2013.
I run the report on the 2nd of each month.
The criteria for the report I ran on 3/2/13 is:
{trx_amt.record}<>0.00 and
{trx_proc_no.record}in[12321, 19824] and
[trx_posting_dt.record] in DateTime (2011,05,01,00,00,00) to DateTime (2012,02,28,23,59,59)
How can I set this up using the trx_posting_dt.record so at the minimum I only have to set up the date once a year and the ultimate would be so I would never have to update the date.