If you don't have a lot of data to process, then lockwelle's suggestion should work fine. However, because of the use of the Crystal "DayOfWeek" formula, the selection conditions will not be pushed to the database. Instead, Crystal will pull all of the data into memory and filter it there, which can significantly impact the speed of the report.
Something you can do go get around this if you're just connecting to tables in the report (as opposed to a command, universe, or BEx query) would be to create a SQL Expression that converts the date to the day of the week and then use that in your selection criteria.
For SQL Server, your SQL Expression would look something like this:
DatePart(dw, MyDB.dbo.MyTable.MyDateField)
In Oracle, it would look like this:
To_Number(To_Char(MyTable.MyDateField, 'D'))