Hi Alabaster Brow
OK - to clarify - you're now getting duplicate data (you do mean that you were expecting a count of 10 & you got 20 - or do you mean you're getting 2 identical graphs or something else?).
If so, this is new behaviour on top of your previous problem - correct?
I'll give you an example of how charts are supposed to work & see if that helps. If this the following isn't clear - it might pay to recreate this as this is kinda hard to explain via text without pictures.
Say you want to report on sales to each office for each company.
Group 1 - companyid
Group 2 - office
Create a chart - put it in Group 1 footer (company)
On change of select CompanyID. Show Value(s) - select salesid
This will give you one chart per company with one riser showing the overall sales for that company. So if you have parameter has returned three companies, you will get three charts - showing different totals.
If the same report is put into Group 2 footer (office) - this will give you one chart with one riser which shows the sales for each office. Thus if Company A has two offices, you will have two charts - one for each office - in addition to the existing one you have for overall sales for that company.
If Company B has one office - you'll get one chart for it's single office.
If Company C has 5 offices - you'll get 5 charts.
If the same report is put into Report footer - this will give you one chart with three risers (a count of the sales for each company).
To get one chart that gives you the sales by office by company
Go to the chart in the Group 1 footer (company).
Right click - chart expert - data & add the field of office to the on change of criteria (in addition to the existing 'company id'), then you will get a count of sales for each office in the same chart.
(Thus Company A will have one graph with two risers. Company B will have one chart with one riser, Company C will have one chart with 5 risers).
If you put this new chart in the report footer - you will get one chart with 8 risers (for the eight offices) but they will be grouped by company (eg all the risers for Company A will be the same colour etc).
If you don't already - can you add a formula to do a test count (same as what you're counting in the chart) - to see if the problem is with the chart & it's setup, or the raw data coming into the main report.
If the formula figures & chart figures match, then try stripping out your grouping & add it back in one at a time & see how that affects your chart.