It's the first time I am using Crystal Reports and SDE. I managed to create 2 reports in Crystal Reports. They look fine in the preview and show everything like planned. They don't use any parameters. I uploaded these files with the configuration tool and added them into a reports category, gave the report a meaningful name and assigned the report I just uploaded. Then I specified report access to all groups available and saved the settings.
I then opened the SDE web interface, logged in as admin user and navigated to the report section. The report was visible within the specific category and I selected it and open it and the report displayed. The only difference was that the report didn't show all data as it did in the Crystal Reports Preview.
What causes this and how can I resolve it ? As to my understanding, both the CR preview information displayed and the report run on SDE should be identical.
BMC SDE Version: 9.80.352.0
Crystal Reports Version
the dates are hardcoded. Here is the SQL Code :
SELECT "Incident"."Incident #", "Incident"."Open Date & Time", "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To", "Incident"."Last Name Assigned To", "Incident"."Subject Description", "Incident"."Close Date & Time", "Incident"."Seq.Open By", "Incident"."First Name Opened By", "Incident"."Last Name Opened By", "Incident"."Status ID:", "Incident"."First Name Assigned To" FROM "MAINDB"."_SMDBA_"."Incident" "Incident" WHERE ("Incident"."Open Date & Time">={ts '2016-07-21 00:00:00'} AND "Incident"."Open Date & Time"<{ts '2016-07-29 00:00:00'}) AND ("Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'G0918F2' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'DANNYC' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'E941492' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'G0918E5' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'G0918L0' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'THYSR' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'ERNESTOS' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'G0918M1' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'G091822' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'G0918V8' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'MARLENEL' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'USER01' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'RICOH-TONNER' OR "Incident"."Login ID Assigned To"=N'CANONHELP') ORDER BY "Incident"."Last Name Assigned To", "Incident"."Incident #", "Incident"."First Name Assigned To"
This is a MS-SQL database
The client has been working a while now with this setup and there were no previous reported issues.
Screenshots :
Correct (Crystal Reports) : http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu316/cyberion1985/prev__zps9te6oxey.jpg
Incorrect (BMC SDE) : http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu316/cyberion1985/actu__zps9jpxc1gc.jpg
one of my colleagues suggest that it might have to do with the ODBC connection ?
Edited by cyberion1985 - 27 Jul 2016 at 10:57pm
Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing which version of the Crystal SDK BMC is using or how they've implemented it. So you may have to go to BMC support for assistance with this.
If it's an ODBC issue, you need to look at which driver is used to create the DSN. The default "Sql Server" driver that is installed with Windows will only work with SQL Server 2005 or older. For SQL Server 2008, you need SQL Server Native Client 10.0, for SQL Server 2012 or 2014 you need SQL Server Native Client 11.0.
Thanks hilfy,
So I tried another ODBC connection, which gave the same results ! What I tried next was to try the same user along with a different user group. They have about 7 groups. Each one, displays different data, so I will assume it is because of the user and some sort of permissions that determines what groups and the users thereof he can see. I will have to find out from the team there, which username I can use to see everything !