Thanks for responding.
Report Header Summary (Distinct Count) Grand Total
Group Header #1 Summary (Distinct Count) Monthly
Group Header #2 Summary (Distinct Count) Daily
Details Select ResponseDate MasterIncidentNumber Problem RunDuration
The Actual Records Selected:
- {Response_Master_Incident.Response_Date}
- {Response_Master_Incident.Master_Incident_Number}
- {Response_Master_Incident.Problem}
- {Response_Master_Incident.Elapsed_CallRcvd2CallClosed}
Each day, the records returned range from about 800 to 1000.
I summarized, applied to all levels, using "Distinct Count". My distinct count is based on incident numbers. I have filtered to suppress any records that did not get an incident number (cancelled before assignment).
What I am wanting to do is summarize the average of incidents per day for the Monthly Group (Group #1) and for the overall sample period (report total).
If I can figure out a way to pull in that number and build a summary around it, averaging or if there is a formula that will count the daily records and provide an average summary I can apply to Group #1 and then the report overall.
Ultimately, I will be displaying this in the Group #1 header and the report header.
I hope this is enough information, if not let me know. I am grateful for your help.