I have a report where I am trying to calculate the average of the minimum daily value over a month. My report has 2 groups: #1- Personnel and #2- Day of the Month. Using CR 11.
I am using a shared variable to compute a running total for the month. This works fine for the first person but I cannot get the variable to reset for the next person. I have tried to place it in every possible section but it does not reset.
My first formula, in group 2 footer, calculates the running total for each day:
Shared Numbervar MinFirstCallSeconds := MinFirstCallSeconds + {@CallCompletedFirstSeconds};
In the footer of group 1 I have a formula to display the total:
Shared Numbervar MinFirstCallSeconds; MinFirstCallSeconds;
And my reset formula:
Shared Numbervar MinFirstCallSeconds = 0;
No matter where I place the reset formula I get a result of "False" after the first person. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you