I'm trying to build a report using some very incomplete data provided to me. For the life of me -- I can't figure out how to format it the way I need it.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
//I'm trying to concatenate the fields to be inserted into a line on a contract form showing the "name, company, address 1, address 2, city, state zip".
//I've set up a formula field to be embedded formula in a text box which contains the agreement.
//The simple concatenation formula is: {NAME} & ", " & {COMPANY NAME} & ", " & {ADDRESS 1} & ", "& {ADDRESS 2} & ", " & {CITY} & ", " & {STATE} &" " & {ZIP}
//It needs to provide that if the field is empty an empty string is inserted.
//Want to also eliminate the punctuation after empty fields
//The fields to be concatenated are all formatted as strings
I have tried using IsNull and also assigning emply fields as "" but can't seem to get any formulats to work. Am I missing something simple?
Edited by dfolzenlogen - 23 Feb 2008 at 5:39pm