Here's my formula for the background:
if (
{@MD-APRIL} < 1.25 and
{@MD-APRIL} > .80) or Sum (
{@april}, {Monthly_INV.ITEMNMBR}) < .001 and (Sum (
{@March}, {Monthly_INV.ITEMNMBR}) < .001) or Sum (
{@april}, {Monthly_INV.ITEMNMBR}) < .001 and (Sum (
{@March}, {Monthly_INV.ITEMNMBR}) > .001) then crnocolor
else crred
This is a cost comparison report. If the cost has a difference of 20% then make BG red. I have this formula across the whole 12 months.
If I don't suppress the items without changes , it will be a 300 page report. I have done a similar report for 2006, but for this year it gets a little tricker.
The upcoming months doesn't have a cost so that's the reason I had to
add the last condition. If I didn't it would have give all the next month a red GB.
Because of the las condition, I couldn't suppress the row.