1. I have a Main Report whose Data source is a Stoted Procedure with two input Parameters @P_FINYEAR and @P_DEPT. These are shown by CR in Parameter List.
2. I have a sub-report(embeded in Main Report), whose data source is also a Stored Procedure with two input Parameters @P_FINYEAR and @P_DEPT . These are also shown in parameter list of SubReport.
3. The Main and sub Reports are linked based on two Fields of the Datasource viz. FINYEAR and DEPT.
4. I have been passing parameters to Main Reports as follows:
ocrListTax = New crListTax (which is class for my rpt file)
ocrListTax.SetParameterValue@P_FINYEAR ", intFinYear)
ocrListTax.SetParameterValue("@P_DEPT", strDept)
ocrListTax.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, 'd:FinTax.pdf')
The Problem
1. How do I pass parameters to the sub report programatically?
Dilip Nagle