I need to return a value on a sub report on to my main report so that I can calculate a total, i've got as far as returning it to the report but it seems to do the calculation on the previous record rather than the record it should be on so it does something a like
1+2 = 0
4+2 = 3
5+7 = 6 etc...........
I'm guessing that it's something to do with the pass sequence when processing the formulas but I'm using shared variables to return the value and you only have the option of using "whileprintingrecords" pass.
Is there a better way of returning Sub Report values back to a main report?
the formula on my sub report is as follows
shared numbervar stocktotal := (this value is a formula)
the formula on my main report is as follows
shared numbervar stocktotal
Edited by Bullet - 25 Apr 2008 at 6:01am