Thank you for the ideas but its still not working. I kind of understand what you guys were saying with the isnull formula so I will try to figure out a couple more things using that. Ive been pulling my hair out on this for to many weeks now. Any more ideas i'll try anything.
It will still only print the classes that have comments in them even with this formula
shared stringvar ck111com1;
if Not ISNULL({Comments.CDescription}) then
If {Comments.CommentNum} = {Grade2S.111COM1_Letter}
Then ck111com1 := ('MP1 - Comment: ' + {Comments.CDescription})
Im going to try a few things.
"also, you realize that this will only display 1 comment, as it continually overwrites the value...which if fine, if that is what you wanted."
I found that it actually placed multiple comments on the classes so it will work i just gotta figure out how to get the classes that dont have comments on them to show up.
The Comments.CDescription and Comments.CommentNum fields do not contain null values, Grade2S.111COM1_Letter does.
Edited by bishop14772 - 25 Feb 2011 at 3:51am