My report has 3 date fields, each of which may be populated from a MYSQL DB, and 3 corresponding text boxes on the report, one for each field. My goal is to use conditional formatting to suppress 2 of the 3 text boxes.
I thought i was on the right track on the first text box with: (isnull({tbl_cmnform.RevisedDate})) and (isnull({tbl_cmnform.RecertificationDate})) in the suppress formula,
However, text boxes 2 and 3 do not suppress, and they should as they have no date value.
textBox2 suppress:NOT(isnull({tbl_cmnform.RevisedDate})) and (isnull({tbl_cmnform.RecertificationDate}))
textbox3 suppress: isnull({tbl_cmnform.RecertificationDate}))
seems as though CR does not see the blank date as null?
I'm pretty new to CR, I have some basic SQL skills, not much.
In a perfect world I would make some kind of If Then statement for the suppress that also varied the text instead of having three text boxes.
If (isnull({tbl_cmnform.RevisedDate})) and (isnull({tbl_cmnform.RecertificationDate}))
then "Initial"
else if NOT(isnull({tbl_cmnform.RevisedDate})) and (isnull({tbl_cmnform.RecertificationDate})) then "Revised"
else if (isnull({tbl_cmnform.RecertificationDate})) then "Recertified" end if
Probably should get the syntax correct before I attempt the grander things