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Joined: 09 Nov 2006
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 Topic: Free book give away! Posted: 12 Nov 2006 at 6:17pm |
To promote the new forums, I'm giving away free autographed copies of my Crystal Reports .NET programming book. There are two ways you can win: - Be one of the first 100 users to post a question and I'll randomly pick three people to give a book to.
- ANSWER 25 questions. I'll send you an autographed book to show my appreciation for your help on the forums. After all, I can't do this by myself!
There are only a couple rules: - The questions/answers must be legitimate. If you are posting junk just to get a free book, then this doesn't count (I make the call here).
- One registration per person.
- You can live ANYWHERE in the world and I'll still mail you the book and pay all expenses. Thus, if you live in India and can't afford to buy a book for yourself, this is your way to get a copy.
Edited by BrianBischof - 18 Dec 2006 at 12:18pm
Please support the forum! Tell others by linking to it on your blog or website:<a href="">Crystal Reports Forum</a>
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Joined: 07 Dec 2006
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 Posted: 07 Dec 2006 at 4:07pm |
Originally posted by BrianBischofTo promote the new forums, I'm giving away free autographed copies of my Crystal Reports .NET programming book. There are two ways you can win:
- Be one of the first 100 registered users to post a question and I'll randomly pick three people to give a book to.
- Be one of the first five people to ANSWER 25 questions. I'll send each of the five people their own copy.
There are only a couple rules:
- The questions/answers must be legitimate. If you are posting junk then this doesn't count (I make the call here).
- One registration per person.
- You can live ANYWHERE in the world and I'll still mail you the book and pay all expenses. Thus, if you live in India and can't afford to buy a book for yourself, this is your way to get a copy.
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Joined: 07 Dec 2006
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 Posted: 07 Dec 2006 at 4:11pm |
I truly need a book on Crystal reports as I am interviewing for a job that requires it. Is this the kind of help someone can give me in order to better my future? Please send to Randy at 13325 W Cambridge Ave, Goodyear. AZ. 85338
Edited by ranbro3 - 07 Dec 2006 at 4:12pm
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Admin Group
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 Posted: 07 Dec 2006 at 4:30pm |
Hi Randy,
I'm only giving away the books on a random drawing basis to encourage participation in the forums since this is new to the site. However, I do have all the chapters from my Crystal Reports XI book online for free and I have two chapters from the Crystal Reports .NET book online for free as well. This forum also has lots of good questions/answers to review.
So there are numerous free resources on my site to help you get ready for your job interview. You should be more than ready for that interview!
Edited by BrianBischof - 18 Dec 2006 at 9:29am
Please support the forum! Tell others by linking to it on your blog or website:<a href="">Crystal Reports Forum</a>
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Joined: 19 Dec 2006
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 Posted: 19 Dec 2006 at 4:34am |
thanks brian for this generous offer:) i'm from pakistan and can't pay in dollars. hopefully i'll get the free copy
If hopes were in dupes, fears maybe liars
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 Posted: 12 Jan 2007 at 9:37am |
Thank for your offer.
What's your dream? What's your dream? Come with me.
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 Posted: 16 Jan 2007 at 1:15pm |
Hi Brian,
I need to learn Crystal Report ASAP for many of our coming projects. We have VS 2005 professional and we are developing window applications using VB. Would your book teach us what we need?
Hiep Dotrong
Sr. System Analyst
Sprint Nextel Corp.
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 Posted: 16 Jan 2007 at 1:37pm |
I've had many people buy my book for VS 2005 and everyone seems pretty happy. The biggest difference is that if you are doing an ASP.NET website, then you can't use embedded reports. This functionality was removed for VS 2005 (disappointing, but it still works for Windows apps). You have to use the ReportDocument.Load() method to print reports in ASP.NET. But since you are building a Windows app, then the book should be 95%+ accurate. And it's even MORE helpful if EVERY developer has their own copy of the book.
Please support the forum! Tell others by linking to it on your blog or website:<a href="">Crystal Reports Forum</a>
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 Posted: 19 Jan 2007 at 2:33pm |
I would really really appreciate having this new book as my company uses Mas 90 & 200. I am the techincal support and I run into problems all the time.
For Example:
I don't know what database I am suppose to link my GL account that is in purchase order entry.
Would you be able to help me out?
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 Posted: 19 Jan 2007 at 5:04pm |
Hi Olivia,
This site specifically deals with the software program Crystal Reports. I don't know anything about Mas 90 and its unlikely anyone here will be able to give you specific help on it.
Please support the forum! Tell others by linking to it on your blog or website:<a href="">Crystal Reports Forum</a>
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