Brian is quite right in saying there is no way to remove them. I haven't found a way of suppressing the column as such. Filtering removes the data which may give you incorrect totals.
However, it is possible to 'suppress' the data for the given column. The column gap will still be there but the data will not appear. To do this:
1) Open the Cross tab expert.
2) Go to the Custom Styles tab
3) In the Columns box, select the column you are interested in
4) Below the Columns panel is a box labelled 'Alias For Formulas'. You MUST give this a name (not the field name) For example
BoardingDate. Anything will do; this is the 'variable' name you will use in the suppression formula later
5) Close the expert
6) Select the
Column Header in the cross tab design (or preview). Right Click and select 'Format Field...'
7) In the Common tab, click the Conditional Format button.
8) In the editor select from the Functions Tab 'Formatting Functions' and find
CurrentFieldValue. Place this in the editor. To Suppress for example 'Others' complete the statement with
CurrentFieldValue like 'Other*'
Save and Close
For each summary field that you have in that column, and the total,
a) select the summary field, Right Click, select Format Fields and the Suppress conditional editor button
b) Find GridRowColumnValue and place it in the editor.
c) locate the name you used as an alias from RowAndColumnNames and
put it between the brackets and add the condition:
GridRowColumnValue ("BoardingDate") like 'Other*'
Check and close
And there is no way that I've found of individually setting the column width, change one they all change, but this may help.